Sunday, February 07, 2010
Well ... look who it is!!
I moved back to New Orleans (from Dallas) this past September and, after getting settled back into the groove of the Big Easy, I think I'm ready to reboot this podcast. I'm definitely going to go for shorter episodes, hopefully (finally!) get to that weekly schedule I've always wanted, and maybe make it more of a "Lisa's List" type of thing, just hitting the top pop culture media that has captured my attention since the last episode. I'm still mulling it over, but I figured if I bit the bullet & posted this update to the site, I would be more motivated to just start recording again.
So, what do you guys think? Good idea? Bad idea? Do you even still care? Please sound off in the comments. Oh, and if you have any ideas of what you'd like to hear in the podcast, I'm totally open!
~ Lisa
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Personal Effects: Dark Art - Available Today!!!
J.C. Hutchins’ new supernatural thriller, Personal Effects: Dark Art is now available in bookstores and for purchase online. A recent starred review by Publisher’s Weekly called the novel a “stellar first.” Library Journal’s review deemed Personal Effects a work that “may herald the future of modern fiction.”
Created by Jordan Weisman and published by St. Martin’s Press, Dark Art combines the experience of a traditional thriller novel with a multimedia-fueled “out of book” narrative. Clues in the novel — and items that come with the novel, such as ID cards and photos — propel readers into an online experience where they become protagonists themselves.
Personal Effects: Dark Art follows the extensive notes of art therapist Zach Taylor’s investigation into the life and madness of Martin Grace, an accused serial killer who claims to have foreseen, but not caused, his victims’ deaths.
Zach’s investigations start with interviews and art sessions, but then take him far from the hospital grounds — and often very far from the reality that we know. The items among Grace’s personal effects are the keys to understanding his haunted past, and finding the terrifying truth Grace hoped to keep buried…
* Call the phone numbers: You’ll get a character’s voicemail.
* Google the characters and institutions in the text: You’ll find real websites.
* Examine the art and other printed artifacts included inside the cover: If you pay attention, you’ll find more information than the characters themselves discover.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Jack Wakes Up: Today is "Cinco de Harwood," Baby!!

Happy Cinco de Harwood, everybody!! Today is THE DAY - The Three Rivers Press (division of Random House) release of our favorite crime novel podiobook JACK WAKES UP! Sweet!!
What?!?! You haven't heard JACK WAKES UP??? Well, you should definitely get over to and check out the free podiobook version of the novel!
However, if you're more of a visual person and you'd like to check out the novel a bit before you buy it, Seth is giving away the first 3 chapters of the book FOR FREE! Click here to download the PDF!!
Additionally, here is a video of Seth explaining how he uses podcasting and social networking, web 2.0, to promote his novel, build a big audience, and get stellar results!
So, check out the JACK WAKES UP promo below and go to Amazon (or your favorite book retailer) and buy your copy (or several copies) of JACK WAKES UP today!!
JACK WAKES UP Audio Promo (to download, right click and save the link)
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Hypersensitive Remembers Joe
For shownotes on this Tribute Podcast, and for more information on leiomyosarcoma and the former Joe Murphy Memorial Fund, please visit
Monday, March 09, 2009
Commit Yourself To The Brink

Download this episode (right click and save)
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Angel Between the Lines Auditions are Open!
Angel Between the Lines is proud to announce our open casting call for voice actors for Season 1. If you’ve always wanted to join the cast of the Between the Lines productions or if you’d like the opportunity to do some voice acting, you’ve come to the right place.
>> For information AND to find out which roles we’re auditioning for please click here. <<
The first season of Angel Between the Lines deals with the summer between AtS Season 3 and Season 4. Join the gang as they deal with Angel and Cordelia's disappearances and stick around for the season finale: Angel - the musical! (We're not even kidding). This season consists of 12 episodes and a lot of surprises along the way.
Angel Between the Lines is an audio drama that takes place between the seasons of Angel the TV show. We have a cast/crew from all around the world (so you do NOT need to be in Los Angeles to audition). There are many roles that we’re casting (not just the ones that we have audition lines for). We also need some different dialects and accents - so please make sure to try out if you’re in any way interested. If you don’t fit the characters we’re looking for please still audition using the “General” lines.
This is a work of love, no one makes money off of this production. We’ve had rave reviews for Buffy Between the Lines and can’t wait to do it again for Angel!
Are you only interested in LISTENING to Angel Between the Lines? Subscribe to Angel Between The Lines by Email so you can get updates on when the show is airing!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
While You Wait ...
This was so much fun, and we're going to try to record commentaries for each episode as they air.
Want to participate in a future Dollhouse fan commentary? Email me at and join in the fun!
~ Lisa T.